Roma Club
Romahome - Award Winning Motorhomes

Late Summer National Rally
Dan’s Meadow, Martlesham, Woodbridge, Suffolk.
Perhaps it was a touch late in the season, or perhaps a touch too far East for members (it was suggested that any further East members might qualify for the Burma Star WW2 medal!)
But we had a reasonable turnout with almost every type of Romahome on the site (including an Island Plastics Romini caravan, now mounted on a vintage Land Rover.)
Friday saw Romahomes making their entrance and club members being made welcome with tea and biscuits or coffee and biscuits. It was a nice sunny day, so a great deal of socialising took place on the seats outside the clubhouse/hall building.
Unlike the last National Rally at Stratford upon Avon, we were blessed with sunshine. (During the day, that is.)
In the hall, members were busy on a Wasgij jigsaw, but by the end of the event, only the edges had been done. But at least they tried.
Saturday morning, and the social chat continued in the sunshine.
More coffee, more tea, more Romahomes arriving.
The afternoon found a keen few trying their hand at needlecraft with Brenda. Brenda’s fundraising efforts for Epilepsy Research UK welcomed donations. Christine was supervising a Boules match, whilst others rested in the sunshine, gearing up for the evening.
The evening had us sharing food for the now, traditional `Bring and Share’ food extravaganza.
We were entertained by `Jive Lessons and Dancing’ which was enjoyable, although only a few brave souls took part in the dancing. The music was good though. The raffle was held, with four hampers to be won. Thanks to all those who contributed prize items to fill the hampers. The money raised, £ 79.00 was sent to this year’s charity, Canine Partners And so, to bed.
With close neighbours, the site owners asked us to be quiet and pop to bed at 10.30pm.
Then suddenly, it was Sunday, and a few members gathered for Kath’s ` Songs of Praise’. The `tabletop sale’ was not oversubscribed, but crafts were sold and a few other items changed ownership. Frank Price’ items making £49.00, and with a grateful donation of £12.00 he was able to sent £61 to the Mary Ann Evans Hospice. The money raised from the sale of Brenda’s craft items, £80, went to her favourite charity, Epilepsy Research UK.
Then it was Barbeque time, with Chairman Sheldon, ably assisted by Frank, serving the usual mixture of red hot meat and a vegan alternative. Most tasty and good company.
More relaxing. Then a few of us (Three teams) took part in Sheldon’s quiz. A written question sheet, naming towns around the country, a music round with themes from TV shows, and some tricky questions. Three teams, two of which were joint winners.
It was Monday. And suddenly, awnings are being taken down, Romahomes are starting up, and lots of fond farewells are being made.
Another successful event. Thanks to the team for setting this up, to the members for sharing chat, food etc., and to the committee for organising another successful event.
Roll on May, for the National AGM Rally in Chester.
Special mention should be made of Frank Price, who helped members with awnings, repairs, advice, and assisted Sheldon with the Barbecue. Thanks Frank.
Canine Partners is a UK charity transforming the lives of people living with disabilities by training amazing assistance dogs.