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Welcome to the Roma Club



The club for owners of the Romahome and the Romini caravan.

Membership of the Romaclub is open to owners of any model of Romahome or Romini.
These are vehicles that were manufactured by
Romahome (formerly Island Plastics).

About Us

In September 1985 Island Plastics called together the owners of Romahomes and Romini caravans to see if they were interested in forming an owners club.

The 100 plus people present decided that they would like a club, and in February 1986 at the Excelsior Hotel in Birmingham the first official meeting of the Romaclub was held. Six months later, in August 1986,
the first Romaclub rally was held at Newmarket Racecourse.
The Romaclub currently has around 200 members.

Reasons to Join

The Romaclub produces a magazine called the Review for its members containing information about rallies, updates on fellow members and their travels, hints and tips on maintenance and equipment.

Kit Tick List now in members area

Roma Review for non - members HERE

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